[GreatFET] What does "Firmware functions to replace" mean?

Dominic Spill dominicgs at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 23:42:03 EDT 2018

On Sat, 6 Oct 2018 at 01:02, Michael Fischer <fischermi at t-online.de> wrote:
> I found in the wiki the following point: "Firmware functions to replace"?
> What exactly does it mean, what is the intention here?

We plan to move away from libopencm3, so we'll need to replace some
functions that we currently use with our own implementations.

> But the most ARM cores I know does not have a priority range of 8 bit.
> The most have 4 or 5 bit. In case you are using the LPC4330, the CPU
> has only 8 programmable interrupt priority levels, that mean only 3 bits.
> Therefore a priority of 254 does not make sense here.

I think the value of 254 is a hold over from some code where the author was
unsure how many bits were being used.  We haven't changed it because we
intend to replace it.
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