[GreatFET] I2C FRAM read/write issue

Jacob Graves jacob at greatscottgadgets.com
Mon Feb 1 19:42:50 EST 2021

Looks like you're running a release version that doesn't include the bug 
fix that should fix your issue.

Information on how to install host tools or firmware or both can be 
found here: 

Note that you may have to run the python commands as *python3*.

On 2/1/21 5:36 PM, Chuck McManis wrote:
> I see this:
> Host tools info:
>         host module version: 2020.1.2
>         pygreat module version: 2020.1.2
>         python version: 3.6.9 (default, Oct  8 2020, 12:12:24)
>         module path: 
> /home/cmcmanis/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/greatfet
>         command path: 
> /home/cmcmanis/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/greatfet
> /commands
>         gnuradio-companion block path: 
> /home/cmcmanis/.local/lib/python3.6/site-
> packages/greatfet/gnuradio
> Not a commit hash, hmmm.
> --Chuck
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 4:22 PM Jacob Graves 
> <jacob at greatscottgadgets.com <mailto:jacob at greatscottgadgets.com>> wrote:
>     Host tool information can be found by running *$gf info -H *or *gf
>     info -a*
>     When installing code from git, the output of the above will look
>     something like - *host module version:
>     <**.dev-git.**git-commit-hash-**>*
>     Can you run that and verify that the commit-hash matches the end
>     chunk of one of the latest commits to master?
>     On 2/1/21 5:08 PM, Chuck McManis wrote:
>>     Nope this is the current version:
>>     cmcmanis at quarterhorse:greatfet$ gf i2c -a 0x20 -w  5 5 -v
>>     Trying to find a GreatFET device...
>>     GreatFET One found. (Serial number: 000057cc67e630770657)
>>     Writing to address 0x20
>>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>>       File "/home/cmcmanis/.local/bin/greatfet_i2c", line 11, in <module>
>>         sys.exit(main())
>>       File
>>     "/home/cmcmanis/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/greatfet/commands/greatfet_i2c.py",
>>     line 48, in main
>>         write(device, args.address[0], args.write, log_function)
>>       File
>>     "/home/cmcmanis/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/greatfet/commands/greatfet_i2c.py",
>>     line 73, in write
>>         log_function("I2C write status: %s" % hex(i2c_status))
>>     TypeError: 'tuple' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
>>     cmcmanis at quarterhorse:greatfet$ gf i2c -z
>>     Working I2C address(es): (Address, RW bit, frequency)
>>     0x20 W [100000]
>>     0x20 R [100000]
>>     ******** W/R bit set at each valid address ********
>>          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
>>     00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     20: WR -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>     cmcmanis at quarterhorse:greatfet$
>>     The target is an i2c display, writing 5 to register 5 should
>>     change the color of the text.
>>     On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 3:44 PM Jacob Graves
>>     <jacob at greatscottgadgets.com
>>     <mailto:jacob at greatscottgadgets.com>> wrote:
>>         No snarkiness taken! Version/error messaging aside, when
>>         using your first example, "*$gf i2c -a 0x50 -w 0x01 -v*" I'm
>>         not able to reproduce the tuple->integer TypeError using
>>         latest on my system. However, the *not subscript-able
>>         TypeError* in your second example occurs because it is
>>         missing an address argument.
>>         Does the second issue persist when you include an address to
>>         write to?
>>         On 2/1/21 3:18 PM, Chuck McManis wrote:
>>>         Note: the goal here is not to be snarky, its to be illustrative.
>>>         FWIW, this problem :
>>>         *TypeError: 'tuple' object cannot be  interpreted as an
>>>         integer. *
>>>         with the 'i2c' option of the gf command present with GF and
>>>         the latest firmware. It is pretty trivially reproducible.
>>>         What is less clear is how this interacts with what ever
>>>         version of 'gf' is installed. That is due in part because it
>>>         is difficult to ascertain versioning information about the
>>>         command (gf --version, gf --help, gf version are all
>>>         non-options/non-commands) even looking at the source doesn't
>>>         give you much to work with since it imports from a python
>>>         module. Further, 'gf shell' provides no banner or
>>>         announcement of version information which would help someone
>>>         understand whether or not their version is "current" or
>>>         could be improved by installing a new version.
>>>         Using what I believe the current version of the firmware
>>>         from the greatfet repo (I did a make and it claimed it
>>>         installed but again, I can't easily verify which is run) I
>>>         get a new error from the tuple one like this:
>>>         cmcmanis at quarterhorse:greatfet$ gf i2c -w 0x20 5 5 -v
>>>         Trying to find a GreatFET device...
>>>         GreatFET One found. (Serial number: 000057cc67e630770657)
>>>         Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>           File "/home/cmcmanis/.local/bin/greatfet_i2c", line 11, in
>>>         <module>
>>>             sys.exit(main())
>>>           File
>>>         "/home/cmcmanis/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/greatfet/commands/greatfet_i2c.py",
>>>         line 48, in main
>>>             write(device, args.address[0], args.write, log_function)
>>>         TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
>>>         cmcmanis at quarterhorse:greatfet$
>>>         Not exactly helpful.
>>>         --Chuck
>>>         On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 11:11 AM Jacob Graves
>>>         <jacob at greatscottgadgets.com
>>>         <mailto:jacob at greatscottgadgets.com>> wrote:
>>>             This looks like there's something wrong with your write
>>>             tool, not the
>>>             hardware. Have you installed latest host/firmware code
>>>             from master? You
>>>             should be able to read/write to an incorrect address
>>>             without error, it
>>>             just won't do anything useful.
>>>             On 1/27/21 1:00 PM, Michael Messuri wrote:
>>>             >
>>>             > I'm having an issue trying to read/write an I2C FRAM
>>>             (Adafruit I2C
>>>             > FRAM Breakout) and was hoping someone with more
>>>             experience could help
>>>             > me solve it the problem:
>>>             >
>>>             >     When I issue the cmd: "gf i2c -z -v" the results
>>>             come back that
>>>             > address 0x50 is both read/writable (there is a WR in
>>>             column 0) and
>>>             > address 0x70 (with a W in column C) is writable. 
>>>             However, when I then
>>>             > issue the cmd: "gf i2c -a 0x50 -w 0x01 -v" I get a
>>>             traceback in file
>>>             > greatfet_i2c.py line 73 with a TypeError: 'tuple'
>>>             object cannot be
>>>             > interpreted as an integer.  Now if I try the same type
>>>             of thing inside
>>>             > the shell I see that I am not receiving any status
>>>             results from the
>>>             > i2c read or i2c write results.
>>>             >
>>>             >     at this point I am a little unclear why the scan
>>>             result would come
>>>             > back as r/w at address 0x50 (which is default for the
>>>             i2c fram) and
>>>             > then any r/w command would fail.
>>>             >
>>>             > Thanks.
>>>             >
>>>             > -- Michael --
>>>             > mmessuri at 4rsons.com <mailto:mmessuri at 4rsons.com>
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