[GreatFET] Updating cloned github GreatFet

Dominic Spill dominicgs at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 10:09:55 EDT 2018

On Mon, 17 Sep 2018 at 05:15, Carl Wall <cwall at bell.net> wrote:
> Was wondering if
> could be updated with the proper procedure to update the local repository
> keep in step with code changes on github, since it pulls in other

I've given it a bit of an update.  Could you take a look and let me know if
that's what you were hoping for?

> See the bus pirate is getting a refresh, moving to arm and the libopencm3
> library

Coincidentally, we're likely to be moving away from it in the next month or
two.  GSG, subcontractors, and friends wrote almost all of the LPC43xx code
in there and we've now received permission from all authors to move it to a
new repo and re-license it with a BSD license.
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